One of our more well-known artifacts is the 2 bodied calf.
The calf was born in Belledune, New Brunswick in 1919 and has a certificate of authenticity that
reads as follows:
I, F. Sumner Savage, Veterinary Surgeon, residing at Bathurst, in the county of Gloucester, in the
province of New Brunswick, make an oath and say that this calf was born at Belledune, in the
said county of Gloucester, on or about the month of May 1919, that I was present at the time of
its birth, and that the calf was born with two bodies, seven legs, and one head.
Sworn to before me this tenth day of September A.D.1919
The letter of authenticity was needed because in the early 1900s universities, circuses, and
other collectors of oddities paid money for animals born with abnormalities. This led to some
farmers sewing 2 or more infant animals together. So, if a calf like this was born on your farm, it
had to be authenticated before being taxidermied.
Point of interest: 2 bodied calves are far rarer than 2 headed or other multi-limbed
Image Description: A image of a calf with two bodies and one leg, the certificate of authenticity, and a plaque listing the donor.
Artifact #:90321-1
Donated by: Charlie Ellis.