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~ Monday: Wash Day ~ Tuesday: Ironing Day


~ Wednesday: Sewing Day ~ Thursday: Market Day ~ Friday: Cleaning Day ~ Saturday: Baking Day ~ Sunday: Day of Rest

Who remembers when women were judged by the time that their laundry was hung out to dry? The earlier the better! Do you hang your clothes by colour, size, or whatever you pick up next? The last option is definitely the wrong way...

The Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick has your laundry needs covered - we have washboards, wash tubs in wood and galvanized steel, wringer washers - crank and electric, drying racks, ironing boards and irons and now a clothes press.

Donor: George Demmings

Artifact #024004001

This is a 1940s era Beatty electric clothes ironer complete with the side shelf, hangars, cover and owner's manual. This Canadian made ironer has a motor driven roller that is covered in linen/calico and feeds the cloth to be ironed past the curved chrome heated plate. The operating handle holds the cloth or garment against the roller to perform the ironing of the cloth.

An advertisement for the product promises: ‘Sit down in comfort, Iron in Style with your new Beatty ironer’. Who could resist that sales pitch?

When planning your next visit to The Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick, remember this: we are closed on Monday and Tuesday .... we are home doing our washing and ironing.


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